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Pandemic Cities
3'x1.5', Spray paint experimentation with city collages.
Pandemic Utopia
6'x2', Cut Paper Bags, Acrylic Paint, Construction Paper
Tracing Wind
A massive collage, created outside which was designed from the shadows displayed on this wall over time.
Water is Precious
This was a project that is bringing attention to the small amount of clean, fresh, drinkable water there is in the world. While 70% of the planet is covered in water only 1% is accessible drinking water. The other 1.2% is locked in glaciers.
Collaged Path
Built with raked tree needles
6' x 20' cyanotype, thread, and cut paper 2018
3' x 7' cyanotype, thread, and cut paper 2018
4' x 1.5' cyanotype and thread 2018
Curtain Come Alive
12'' x 8.5'' cut paper and modge podge 2014
12'' x 3' cut paper and modge podge 2014
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